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Special Edition: Recruiting Benchmark Report

Special Edition: Recruiting Benchmark Report

The ACTUAL Status of Hiring Today

Hey everyone – how’s hiring going for ya? 🤪

Some might think that with an unemployment rate of 6%, compared to the pre-pandemic unemployment rate of 3.5% (February 2020), hiring would be easy like Sunday morning. Much easier to hire now than back then, right?


Open Roles Are Movin’ On Up

Many of the hiring challenges plaguing those in talent acquisition still apply in 2021, only with additional obstacles to clear. HOWEVER, we’ll be the first to point out that, hey, things are looking up, everyone! 📈

In fact, we have just published a special edition of our annual report, “The Definitive Collection (At This Moment) of Industry Trends in Critical Hiring“. Download your copy here.  Per recent research, 82% of employers plan to hire in 2021 with 35% planning on hiring for net new jobs.

We are wheels up! ✈️

This Data Speaks Volumes

Thousands of jobs move through the BountyJobs platform every year. Typically, some of the marketplace dynamics are constant and others shift from year to year.

>>Within the past year we have seen changes we’ve never seen in our history of collecting data for over a decade.<<

Looking at all of 2020 as well as 2021 so far, employer activity has met or exceeded the pace set in pre-pandemic 2019 (the year closed out at a 3.5% unemployment rate in December of 2019).

Based on this data, the question arises,

“Are we trending toward pre-pandemic hiring?”

We’re closely monitoring the situation as the year progresses, but our magic 8-ball seems optimistic. Take a look at this – in 2019 we saw a 2.6% level of work-shifting where employers were open to the idea of remote work/alternative hours/relocation.

In 2020? That increased to 3.6%. Get a load of 2021 so far – YTD we are seeing that at 7.8%!

Gotta Get Crafty

Alternative staffing models like contingent staffing cater well to this massive trend, especially as an incentive to move people to smaller regional areas as a budget-saving measure, and to support a continued hybrid version of work (where employees enjoy a combination of in-office and remote environments).

Employers are getting crafty. New (to them) strategies are being put in place. Experimentation in hiring tactics is happening. From our perch, though, many are half-baked. We are seeing employers cutting corners in budgets as a safeguard against a questionable future as we walk toward a post-pandemic world.

Our goal in this report is to provide valuable insights from the data we collect on the hardest- to-fill roles today, in what just might be the hardest hiring climate. Tying this data to real market trends and concerns helps inform your macro level strategy.

Grab your copy of our special edition annual report – The Definitive Collection (At This Moment) of Industry Trends in Critical Hiring here.

Until next time,

Erin & Team BountyJobs
Your critical hiring can’t wait. Let’s get started.

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