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1 min read

BountyJobs Is Turbocharging Your Agencies, So Get Ready

Two weeks ago, we did a refresh on the agency side of BountyJobs, similar to what we did on the employer side two years ago, to help agencies search less and engage more. But what does this mean for employers?

This refresh will improve the way agencies work with you in three ways:

  1. Your agencies are going to be much more responsive and targeted. Our new search functionality gives agencies the ability to hone in on their specialties, so you have the right recruiters working on your open role.

    For instance, if you have an open position in the financial sector with a $120,000-140,000 salary, and an agency has a great risk analysis candidate who would be a good fit, the agency can easily find your open job and submit their candidate.

  2. Your urgent jobs will be filled more quickly. We’ve increased the visibility of high priority positions, so agencies can find them more easily and will know to focus on them first.

    However, we have implemented an algorithm which will prevent you from marking all positions as urgent – so please be discerning about which positions you mark as urgent. For instance, backfilling a leadership role will be more urgent than backfilling one of your sales roles.

  3. Your agency’s work style will align more closely with your own. You’ve always had stats to evaluate your agencies, such as interview rate, and now they will be able to evaluate you on how long it takes you to open resumes and how responsive you are, among other things.

    For instance, if your recruiter sees that you like to open and respond to resumes as soon as they’re received, they will send you candidates as they source them. However, if you prefer to review all resumes at once, your recruiter will know that it may take a few days to receive their first round of feedback. Please talk to your Account Manager (or SUP) for more information.

We look forward to helping you improve your relationships with agencies, and hope that these changes will have a positive impact on your hiring program. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or comments!

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