BountyJobs Blog

Infographic: Top HR Productivity Killers

Written by Jen Dewar | January 02, 2015
We recently came across the below infographic from BambooHR, highlighting the top productivity killers for HR professionals, and highlighting how you can improve your HR productivity.

While it’s no surprise that HR pros don’t consider event planning to be among their most meaningful work, it’s also not surprising to see that many of the other things listed were ongoing tasks that kept them from working on more strategic initiatives.

The primary area of interest to us, of course, was finding recruiting as the second biggest productivity killer. As we’ve mentioned in several of our more recent blog posts, 2015 will be a candidate driven market where many of your employees might start seeking out greener pastures. If you’re trying to grow your company in the new year, it’s quite possible that you’ll be too busy backfilling existing positions to achieve your growth plans.

47% of HR professionals think they should spend more time managing and overseeing company culture. Tweet This.

This presents a perfect opportunity to outsource your recruiting to headhunters, so that you can focus on employee engagement and retention rather than backfilling and team growth. Engagement and retention are exactly the kind of strategic initiatives that HR professionals should focus on in the new year, so that their employee turnovers don’t exceed their new hires.

In fact, 47% of HR professionals said that managing and overseeing company culture was among the strategic initiatives they would rather spend their time on, which can help with engagement and retention, not to mention help them more easily recruit top talent.