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2 min read

4 Recruitment Mistakes That Are Costing You Candidates

The talent shortage is creating a lot of competition for candidates. There simply aren’t enough qualified workers to go around, and candidates have many options to consider for their next opportunity.

Your hiring organization is investing a lot of money and time into recruiting, only to lose your top choice candidates at various stages in your recruitment process.

If you want to attract, engage, and win talent for your teams, you’re going to have to stop making the following recruitment mistakes:

  1. You don’t promote your employment brand. Candidates have a choice in where they work, and want to know what it’s like to work at your organization before they accept a position. They will scour the internet to find what information they can, usually beginning with your website and social channels before making their way to review sites like Glassdoor.

    Make sure these channels accurately and warmly reflect your employment brand, so you can attract and engage the best-fit candidates for your organization. Share pictures, videos and employee interviews to give candidates a first hand view of life at your organization.

  2. You have a poor candidate experience. Your candidates are evaluating your organization just as much as you are evaluating them, and a poor candidate experience can cause them to disengage from your recruitment process. Each step of your process, from sourcing to onboarding, should make the candidate feel welcome and comfortable in your organization.

    Find opportunities for improvement by regularly surveying recent candidates and new hires, and share pertinent feedback with others in your organization. Candidate experience is everyone’s responsibility.

  3. Your hiring process is too slow. A long hiring process can also cause candidates to disengage – particularly if they have other offers. Keep your hiring process moving along and respect your candidates’ time by eliminating unnecessary steps.

    If your hiring process will take longer than usual, communicate timing with your candidates upfront (and throughout the process) so they know what to expect. Finally, keep tabs on whether the candidate is interviewing elsewhere, and where they stand in the process, so you can accelerate your hiring process if need be.

  4. Your offer is too low. The competition for talent is driving an increase in compensation, benefits and perks. While a low offer isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, it certainly won’t help your organization attract and retain talent. Stay competitive by developing a strategic compensation plan based on available salary data, and develop employee perks and benefits that contribute to your company culture.

    Strengthen your offer further by addressing your candidate’s motivations in looking for a new opportunity. Your offer is your final chance to show candidates how excited you are to have them on board, and should be too good to refuse.

What other recruitment mistakes are causing candidates to drop out of your hiring process? Let us know with a comment!

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